Anhel Ahtra

"When I'm good I'm very good, but when I'm bad I'm better"
-Currently relaxing after trailing the Dawn
FFXIV Roleplay: Crystal ~ Mateus

Anhel Ahtra

Pronounced Ahn-hell
Nameday: 13th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race/Clan/Gender: Viera / Rava / Female
Age: ?? (32? 70??)
Orientation: Bi-Demi
Relationship Status: Taken, Poly
Aliases/Nicknames: My Fire, Anja (forest name), Firebrand, Ana/Anna, U'anh (endeared with U Tribe), Angel of fire, Angelina Burneblood, Rubrum 13 (subject name)Likes: Wine, rolanberries (and any food/drink with rolanberries in it), Miqo'te ear wiggles, dancing, late-night conversations, rainstorms, cute animals
Dislikes: Dry weather, bitter foods, shady merchants, liars
Occupation: Adventurer, vigilante, dancer, lounge hostess/bouncerPhysical traits: -Black hair with red ends (turns white from prolonged exposure in cold climates)
-Short, fluffy black tail
-Red eyes (faint heterochromia from head injury left side)
-Tattoos: two streaks on each cheek. Roses on arms, legs and stomach. Corset ribbon on lower back
Jobs in order of preference: Red Mage, Dancer, Reaper, Black Mage, Summoner, Bard, Ninja, Dark Knight, Weaver, AstrologianOther: -Likes burning things.
-Favorite color is red in any shade and is almost always incorporated in all her glamours and style in general.
-Dresses lightly due to high body temp.
-Her blood is incendiary and can be set off at will if spilt.
-Slight immunity from fire and chemical burns, nothing visible lasting but sensation is still felt.
-Resides in Ul'dah though travels constantly between there and Gridania for work and friends
-Ex-Garlean weapon
For those with Aethersense:
Sight -fluctuates from being a dark red with black mixed in like brushstrokes of an oil painting to simulate flames. The more she uses fire magic, the color goes across the spectrum to violet and finally blue which is a danger zone for her.
Touch -warmth like a desert sun but in the shade with the cool caress of silk
Voiceclaim: Faye Valentine (Wendee Lee)

Confident, vivacious, patient and snarky but also kind and understanding. The latter is more a precaution as she gauges individuals and surroundings since in truth, she can be a lil' morally questionable. Yet she also has great disdain for those who prey on the weak; Ul'dah and Thanalan in general is her ideal stomping grounds if she can get away with it and she does. She is a woman of her word, for both promises and threats.She is more for uplifting others though tends to tease people at the same time and enjoys knocking down those who toot their own horn a bit too much. She's fond of confidence but there is such a thing as too damn much, and so the fire comes into play.Despite her inclination to solving problems by burning them away and her natural affinity for fire magic, she isn't a pyromaniac and is very careful. She takes her craft seriously, not wanting to hurt those close to her or that she has warm regard for should they be around her.But she also covets power, to learn all she can no matter the risks and if its forbidden, just so she can use it to protect and keep safe most and punish those who conquer.She's not one to judge on appearances, only on what someone has to say, drawn to those that give off good vibes, share her world view and desire to do some bad to do a whole lotta good.Her memory is spotty as she is missing a large chunk from between her young adult years of her home to her time with the U tribe though she's not particularly bothered by it. She'd rather enjoy the new memories she makes and whatever she recalls she welcomes it and would rather leave it on the backburner as it were. (Unfortunately with the things she's remembering, she's sort of angry about it but won't let it fester.)She spent three years in the Forgotten Springs and two in Ul'dah. History Time with U New hunt, New adventure
Hooks Playlist Relationships


Anja didn't care much for the Word of the Wood in her home, nonetheless she never held it against her people up until she was taken prisoner by Garlean troops when she and a few others were out hunting. Later on she would resent them just as much as her captors as they made no rescue attempt knowing it would be futile.Yet what she went through, death would've been a kindness and this birthed her mindset of "Just because I went through it doesn't mean others have to, be the person you needed in the most trying times when those that you needed most, failed you."While a captive, she received care and tutelage but refused to let them instill allegiance to the empire, even injuring one of her caretakers. Thus she was subjected to endure harsh experiments under the pretense that if Viera are so long lived then they could withstand anything and made for ideal specimens by some brilliant yet sadistic minds of Garlean scientists.One series she was a part of along with a few others were infusions of substances that ranged from toxins to fuels and experimental enhancement drugs to weaponize them. Needless to say, most if not all had died from these trials. Anja herself came close to death multiple times but much like her refusal to adhere to the Green Word and Garlean influence, death won't control her either even though the pain she endured, she wished for it.A substance she was consistently infused with was Ceruleum, and while that should have killed her instantly or later on like other subjects, she survived. The constant exposure and other enhancements had the ceruleum coalesce with her blood and aether, making her blood incendiary but also a great inclination for fire magic and some immunity from it.

Unstable, she was fitted with a mask and suit that kept her from spontaneously combusting and harming her commanders as she was conscripted to fight for Garlemald under designation Rubrum 13. She was not the only survivor of the experiments, Aurum 77, Atrum 26 to name a few, they too outfitted with controller suits.She was involved in many skirmishes whether they be on the battlefield or in the shadows until at some point, an accident had her knocked out and left for dead in the deserts of Thanalan.** **Time with U

Time with U

She was found by the Children of the Sands and brought back to the Forgotten Springs when she showed signs of life. At the request of the Flames stationed there and given the technical nature of her mask and assuming her Garlean agent, the Nunh allowed her to stay so that they may take her to Ul'dah for questioning once she recovered.Sometime later she woke to the sounds of battle as Sandworms stormed the gates of the Springs. On instinct, she armed herself and lay waste to the creatures alongside the huntresses with ease before falling unconscious once more from over-exerting herself. The Nunh was impressed with her skill and would allow her sanctuary if she can prove herself further as she is an outsider after she reawakens and reveals she can't remember anything prior, even when he showed her the mask. Thus keeping her out of the Flames custody but still on observation.Looked on with contempt and treated as such at first, she eventually earns her place amongst the huntresses (also receiving a new more tolerable mask), becoming an instructor. She wants to see these women, fledgling and seasoned alike, thrive and protect themselves for who else would be there when alone in the desert? Outside of custom and despite her being Viera and an outsider, she was given the name U'anh, her forest name and early life being the only things she remembers.She was somewhat happy with her newfound family and life while still harboring resentment for her home, especially given the traditions of the U that your moment of weakness is your own, only the strong survive. Hence her need to uplift her fellow huntresses and friends and others in general in the future.An incident had her violently lose herself. Some huntresses were captured in a three-way skirmish with Amalj'aa and the Corpse Brigade. While the Nunh insisted they can free themselves, sensing U'anh's fiery passion to fight for them and her throwing back at him that she's still an outsider so he can't stop her.She goes to rescue her fellow huntresses, even offering herself to the brigade in exchange for their freedom, for once going against her morale and saying she would be more worth their time than these scraggly kittens.It is all a ruse of course, once the huntresses safe, she let loose. Driven by her need to protect and to make these monsters pay for preying on those who cannot defend themselves, she massacred them in a flurry of blades and flames. She left one alive to send a message to the rest of their brigade that if they so much as blink at Miqo'te ears and tail, remember what occurred.She returned to the springs, bloodied and ashened though the blood was not hers.After another bout of unconsciousness, she expressed her concerns to the Nunh. How she enjoyed the killing of those brigands more so than the hunt of creatures but she doesn't want to accidentally hurt her friends if they're around her should that come to pass once more, that she needs a better handle on her abilities. He suggests she journey to the Arrzaneth Ossuary in Ul'dah to temper her flames.The sooner she can control her power, the safer she and everyone will be. With a final gift of a dyed robe in her favorite color for her journey, she set forth to Ul'dah.** **New Hunt

New hunting grounds, new adventure

Getting herself acquainted with the Quicksand matron and joining the thaumaturgy guild, she quickly learned that there was plenty wrong with this city.She fully committed herself to her studies to expand her arcane expertise and even spent some time in the gladiotor's guild to manage her physical prowess as soon as the backstreets, brush and hills around Ul'dah became her new hunting ground. For practice, for a good cause, the reasons given vary if asked.She's careful in spacing out her targets and the methods she uses so as to not draw suspicion, ranging from corrupt soldiers to shady merchants.Her permanent and newfound name came from the first child she saved, calling her an angel of fire. So using that in combination from the U name she was given, she is Anhel. Surname is from an anecdote of an ancient mage from her studies of the black arts.With her new name, came new horizons as she began adventuring in earnest, seeking out whatever means necessary to make her stronger for never again will any she comes across who are in peril, suffer like she did.This unknown pain that will steadily be revealed in her quest.

  • Great but not the greatest... of mages, her knowledge is moderate at best but she will try to answer any pertaining inquiries to the best of her ability. This is due to how restrictive her training in Ul'dah was despite her desiring for the more darker stuff at the back of shelves. You won't find a more willing caster who hungers for knowledge, diving into dusty tomes and ruins and to throw a little fire around if need be.

  • An Angel of Fire... to the weak and down-trodden. She has a fiery defensive side, doing what she can to assist the needy and punish the greedy. This has made her enemies with those with a whole lot of gil and they are willing to pay to stop her interference. Dead or alive. Depending on who comes to collect, she can be a little merciful as she always gives them one last chance to abandon the mark. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and there is naught but ash left afterwards.

  • Cautiously casual... at first meetings. Her being socially amiable is partly a defense mechanism due to being targeted for shady bounties, never know who you're sharing a drink and having a conversation with. How many times has she crossed paths with a friendly face or good-looking man/woman with a knife up their sleeve?

  • A support... literally and figuratively. Once she knows you're not out to get her, she likes to motivate and cheer people on in their endeavors. Everyone needs a lil pick-me-up every now and then. Or if one is injured, involved in some incident or had too many drinks, she'll be there to help. Disregarding her own safety at times.

  • A painful past... best left buried but if she deems you a good friend, one may come to know what haunts her and makes any returned affirmations fall flat to her. She just believes no one would be as supportive of her like she is to others if they knew the truth.

  • Recognize... this redeyed gaze and face from the past? In a time of strife? In red-hued armor? She's not that anymore but whether one seeks revenge or justice, she will answer for both. Just not in the way one expects.

  • Adventuring... and moonlighting as a vigilante aside, she works as a tavern greeter. If the evening is slow and stools somewhat empty, she's willing to engage in conversation and lending an ear for whatever is on one's mind. Still cautiously casual though.

  • A confidant... when a good rapport is established, one can count on her to keep secrets and also an open mind and door if it rains or one needs to lay low for a while. Trust is important to her and she would never betray that so long as others do the same.

OOC/Rp Info

Player is 30+, she/her with 10 yrs of rp exp, mostly tumblr rp. FFXIV rp is new road I'm treading on breaks inbetween my playthrough of the game proper. Friendly, perpetually sleepy but a nightowl just vibing along. Mostly active afternoons/evenings.Have Mare upon request.I'm pretty much cool with anything from casual and long-term, slice of life to darker themes like angst, violence. Send a tell to see what is and whats not cool. Walk-ups are welcome.More examples of the kind thats all good; bar/tavern hopping/crawls, casual chats and banter, adventure, friendly, flirty, romance, combat. Also okay with rp on discord. Will try to match length/responses.Anhel has a casual but also somewhat rough outlook on life while being a semi-tease-n-flirt, she isn't lascivious, she knows when to dial it back. Development of something along the lines of:
(Friendships, Allies / Partners, Rivalries, Guardians, Mentor / Apprentice, Romantic / Platonic) is ok. I'm also okay just winging it and seeing where it goes from there with whatever dynamic is.
No minors/minor-aged characters. No meta-gaming.IC and OOC are separate. I am not my character, her feelings, thoughts, etc. are her own.Ingame-wise I am not that far so most areas are not available to me. Currently going thru Growing Light and is subject to change as I progress. Finished Dawntrail.

  • Sinistra Sombra - (purple) The leader of Anhel's old adventuring group. The two are constantly at odds against each other, Sin scolding Anhel's recklessness and Anhel belitting the Miqo'te just because she lacks faith in the Viera. Only when the going gets tough do they come to an understanding.

  • Edenia Erebus - (light blue) Eden often must play mediator between Sin and Anhel, the Au Ra's gentle disposition serving as a buffer. She looks up to Anhel as inspiration for strength and assertiveness, all the while she is the only healer Anhel truly trusts.

  • Necro Graenn - (green) Affectionally call each other bitch and bastard, Necro is nihilistic to a comedic degree and Anhel can count on him to keep things real. The Vieras are often scolded by Sin and Undine.

  • J'dextera Sol - (yellow) Sin's older half-brother, Dex might almost be cute to Anhel if it wasn't for his rose-colored goggles view of the world. She respects the other side of him more than his default though both sides know that all they have to do is wiggle their ears to butter her up and get her to stop fighting with his sister.

  • R'rovah Lutece - (dark blue) Former Sharlayan Professor and researcher of the aetherial sea, due to an accident, he is everywhere and nowhere or so he claims. Anhel could care less, she is disturbed by his view of the world through a lens of science but the group usually relies on him when there's a non-combative problem need solving.

  • Sadako "S-ko" Nara - (silver) Disgraced bodyguard from a Hingan crime family. Anhel teases him for his crush on Sin but does keep his secret, often deferring to him when the group cannot agree on a course of action. Fiercely protective of the group as a whole, not wanting to fail them as he failed before.

  • Undine Urleaux - (cyan) Was sent to monitor R'rovah but mostly spends her time bickering with Necro and Anhel, the latter absolutely cannot stand her prudishness and need for going by the book so to say.

  • C'rasa Rheivre - Her Sapphire, lifepartner. Friends first then confidants, slowly burning into something more. He has always been there for her, seen her at her best and worst and accepts everything that she is and she him, falling deeply and he's caught her. He always will. Curses him when he uses her weakness of ear wiggles against her however.

  • Cecilia Black - Her Amethyst, crush. Admires her strength and how bloody casual she is but also secretly curses her because she's just as bad as ^another^, though she doesn't give her as much shit as that ^other^. And just like her Sapphire, something else is burning with her, for every fire begins with a spark.

  • Rhaya Stardancer - Her Moonstone. Another healer she trusts. There is a serene calmness when around her, Anhel would almost do anything for her if asked and she values what words of wisdom the Keeper shares.

  • Kawa Kagon - Her Fire Quartz. Finds him endearing, headstrong and a kindred fiery spirit but also dotes on him to the point where according to him, she's one of his many mothers.

  • Astraea Galanthos - Her Pink Quartz. Met at the Remedy Academy and since then, she's come to see Astraea as a fantastic healer who can definitely hold her own as well as good friend.

  • Ren Vaughnn - Usually lends a listening ear to him and tries to give him advice when prompted which in her opinion isn't always great, she just wants to see this boy do his best. Will tug his ear if he makes a mistake.

  • Dopophin Arethan - Anhel is reminded of her former self in Dopo at times, just as stubborn but still trying to do right. Like Ren, she wants to see her do her best.

  • Idoh'a Lopra - Her Quiet Quartz. Another bartender she trusts and only asks for him specifically to mix her drinks, her Usual, when out at the lounge he works at. Likes to strike up conversation with him if its a slow night and gains valuable insight from him.